Rev Esp Quimioter 2012:25(2):129-133

Peripheral venous catheter-related bacteremia in a general hospital     

M. DELGADO-CAPEL, A. GABILLO, L. ELIAS, J. C. YÉBENES, G. SAUCA, J. A. CAPDEVILA                                

Introduction. Catheter sepsis is a constant and serious problem in our hospitals for the cost it generates, both in terms of morbidity and economics. It’s becoming more frequent also in peripherally inserted catheters. Our study aims to know the importance and characteristics of peripheral venous catheter bacteremia in a general hospital.
Material and methods. Prospective and comparative analysis of all episodes of central and peripheral venous catheter-related bacteraemia, in 2009.
Results. Twenty-eight episodes of catheter-related bacteraemia in a total of 25 patients. Sixteen episodes originated in central catheter (57.2%), 11 in peripheral (39.3%) and 1 in peripherally inserted central catheter (3.5%). Two cases of exitus directly related to the peripheral catheter infection. Etiology: 13 episodes of S. aureus (3 MRSA), including 8 in peripheral catheter (8/13, 61.5%), 12 episodes of plasma coagulase negative staphylococcus, including 2 in peripheral catheter (2/12, 16.6%).
Conclusions. Peripheral catheter-related bacteraemia is an emerging health problem with important clinical and prognostic connotations for patients. It is necessary continuous training on correct handling measures to prevent intravascular catheters infections including peripheral catheters in every hospital ward.


Rev Esp Quimioter 2012:25(2):129-133 [pdf]