Rev Esp Quimioter 2016, 29(Suppl. 1):52-55

Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of intra-abdominal candidiasis                     


Invasive fungal disease is associated to a high mortality rate on critical ill patients. In the last decades an important epidemiological shift has been described. Early diagnosis and treatment are related with a better prognosis. The key factors lie in a set of predictive scores that allow to identify patients that will benefit of early treatment, as well as using diagnosis techniques that are culture independent. New diagnosis ap-proximations are being developed with promising results: in situ hybridisation using PNA-FISH probes, MALDI-TOF MS and rapid nucleic acids detection assays. The use of echinocandin is recommended as antifungal therapy on critical ill patients with candida peritonitis.

Rev Esp Quimioter 2016; 29(Suppl. 1):52-55 [pdf]