Rev Esp Quimioter 2012:25(3):180-182

Investigation of antimicrobial resistance to Enterococcus faecium                 

M. M. CASAL, M. CAUSSE, F. SOLÍS, F. RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ, M. CASAL                                                                         

We performed a antibiotic resistance study on Enterococcus faecium isolated from intrahospitalary and extrahospitalary samples between 2004 and 2010. Three different samples were studied; urine, blood and wound swabs, considering a strain per patient. We included in the study a global amount of 637 E. faecium isolares. We employed semiautomatic system WIDER I for identification and sensitivity testing. We considered susceptibility and resistance criteria recommended by MENSURA group.We found a susceptibility rate of 48.05% to betalactams, 100% to linezolid, and 99.46% to vancomycin. The resistance to aminoglycosides ranged between 41.41 and 73.55%. We obtained 6 isolates resistant to vancomycin one of them from an extrahospitalary strain and five from intrahospitalary strains. It seems that vancomycin resistance should be controlled.


Rev Esp Quimioter 2012:25(3):180-182 [pdf]