Rev Esp Quimioter 2017, 30(5): 305-311

Microbiome and next generation sequencing


The human microbiome is an internal ecosystem that refers to the community of microorganisms that populate the human body. These microorganisms are essential to support his health, because the interaction between the host immune system and microorganisms, provide the host with protection against pathogens, and contributes to the preservation of health.
Bacteriological culture has been the basis for traditional microbiology; however, most of the bacterial forms observed in nature cannot be isolated with laboratory culture methods. At present, metagenomic applies a suite of genomic technologies, where the microorganisms are identified by their genomic fingerprint.
The 16S rRNA subunit is considered as the universal target for bacterial identification from DNA with the aid of sequencing. Sanger sequencing technology had a great impact on the first generation sequencing due to its simplicity and precision. Platforms high-throughput known as second generation secuencing technologies are capable to generate hundreds of thousands of sequence reactions in a faster and economic way. However, thanks to the third generation sequencing the greatest advances in nanotechnology have been made.
Using the reference gene, the massive sequencing techniques and bioinformatics tools used for the data processing, there has been an important development of the human microbiome, achieving an unprecedented detail level on the taxonomy and microbial function. This has meant an authentic revolution not only in their knowledge but also in their involvement in the health or illness of the human being.

Rev Esp Quimioter 2017; 30(5): 305-311 [Texto completo – PDF]