
Rev Esp Quimioter 2019; 32(3):217-223

Experience with nebulised colistin in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis colonised with Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Introduction. Chronic colonisation/infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa of the bronchiectasis is related to a faster deterioration of lung function, an increase in the number of exacerbations and a higher morbidity and mortality. Nebulised colistin decreases bacteria load. Therefore, a reduction in the number and in the severity of exacerbations and a delay of pulmonary decline is expected. The main objective is to evaluate if the treatment with nebulised colistin, for at least 6 months reduces the number of  admissions and visits to the emergency department.
Material and methods. Observational, retrospective and non-interventionist study carried out in an organizational structure with an integrated management. Patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis colonised / infected by P. aeruginosa, older than 18 years, were selected. Patients must have received nebulized colistin during at least 6 months. Clinical, microbiological and therapeutic data from the patients were collected from the SERGAS computerized clinical history (IANUS® v.4.20.0503) and the electronic prescription, which were divided into two time periods: 1) 6 months pre-treatment and during the treatment and 2) 12 months pre-treatment and during the treatment, in those who completed 1 year of treatment.
Results. Forty-four patients were included and of these, 29 (65.9%) had a follow-up of 12 months. The use of nebulized colistin decreased significantly the number of visits to the emergency (at 6 months), the frequency and duration of hospitalizations admissions (at 6 and 12 months), the antibiotic consumption (at 6 and 12 months) and the positive cultures. The treatment was well tolerated in almost all patients.
Conclusions. The treatment with nebulised colistin during 6 and 12 months of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, colonised/infected by P. aeruginosa, seems beneficial for the patient, from the clinical and quality of life point of view, and could reduce the economic cost of the process.

Rev Esp Quimioter 2019; 32(3):217-223 [Texto completo PDF]